For more than 30 years, Donna Star was unsuccessfully successful at climbing the proverbial corporate ladder—moving from entry-level to executive leadership positions. But like more than 60% of people, she was unhappy with her job. It wasn’t until her youngest child graduated from college that she finally quit and found her true calling.
Now, her mission is to help other professionals feel more fulfilled and connected to themselves.
Lessons from a Workaholic Corporate Exec Single Mother’s Journey to a Life of Balance
Despite giving her notice five times and leaving and returning twice throughout her career—to the same company—Donna Star finally decided to leave Corporate America for good when her youngest child graduated from college. Donna had no plan until she found coaching.
It was everything she’d been looking for and more. Donna hadn’t realized how many of her corporate struggles were avoidable, including her workaholism. Her body was so completely out of whack that she could no longer tolerate eating salads. She ignored the signals all around her.
There are way too many unsatisfied people in the workforce. More than 60% of people say they are unhappy with their jobs. Are you one of them? This has to change.
Now, Donna’s mission is to help other professionals feel more fulfilled and connected to themselves.
It doesn’t have to be so hard; she promises you that.
Do you have all the external trappings of success? Are you as Unsuccessfully Successful as I was? Do you feel differently on the inside than you portray on the outside? It is exhausting, right? Take the fun, and quick quiz below to find out.
Early praise
unsuccessfully successful

Donna Star
After a successful thirty-year career in corporate America, Donna Star is a highly sought-after certified executive coach, professional speaker, and author.
Her ability to connect with people deeply and meaningfully is at the heart of Donna’s success. She is smart, funny, intuitive, and says it like it is. Donna has always been intuitive, but she received formal training from a forensic medium and taps into this skill to help bring her clients even greater clarity.
Donna is a proud Bostonian with two amazing adult children. And, yes, she loves Boston sports. It is in her DNA. In her spare time, you can find Donna reading, traveling, walking, playing word games of any kind—except Wordle—and spending quality time with close family and friends.