Donna Star

Corporate Coach • Business Consultant • Speaker • Writer

Live Your Life
On Purpose

Donna Star helps guide ambitious, corporate professionals of any age at any stage, through the process of self-discovery to create sustainable personal growth and make meaningful life changes.

She has helped her clients secure jobs, increase billable hours, forego toxic relationships, get promoted, reduce conflicts at work, improve executive presence, prepare for performance reviews and interviews, leave jobs to start new ventures, build stronger teams, and gain more confidence. What can Donna do for you?

“It’s nearly impossible to blaze one’s own path while following in someone else’s footsteps.”

– Glennon Doyle

Hi, I’m Donna Star.

This is my story…

“You don’t spend enough time being my mom.”⁠
⁠I will remember this moment for the rest of my life.⁠

My son said this to me when he was about five years old.⁠ You would think that, despite stopping me dead in my tracks, I would have made the changes in my behavior that his comment was begging me to do.⁠ NOPE.

I did leave my job for a bit to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.⁠ IT WASN’T. So, I went back to my former life.⁠ My old habits crept back in.⁠ And everything was fine. But it wasn’t.

It took me years to get my workaholicism under wraps.⁠ It took my children looking in my eyes and telling me that my life was not normal – imploring me to be more present.⁠

Now, I use the teachings, lessons, and skills that carved my path to help you shape your future. Success is an inside job.⁠ Only you can choose to look inward and do the work.⁠

How I Help

As a corporate coach and business consultant, I partner with professionals at all stages of their careers as they transition, grow, and evolve. We’ll work from the inside out, helping to develop your true confidence and establish an unshakable belief in the power of yourself.

One-on-One Coaching

Regardless of your career stage, we’ll navigate your challenges in life and at work (they are one in the same).

Group Programs

Feeling isolated in your professional life? Group classes focus on the power of a supportive peer community.

Corporate Workshops

For teams who want to function at their best, we’ll address mindset, leadership, team building, and more.

Ready to Start Something New?

Less Stress
More Success

What My Clients Are Saying

Thoughts & Musings

From the Blog

I write on topics ranging from tips to enhance your work/life, the Great Resignation, my own personal stories, and new Program Announcements.

To Abba, With Love

To Abba, With Love

This long email expresses my love for my dad on this third Father’s Day without him. Shockingly, I am unsure if I have ever shared my dad’s name, Abba, in my writing. Abba is Hebrew for Father. He was born Arthur Abraham Appelstein—a mouthful but easily shortened to Abba. On this Hallmark holiday, revisiting how well he embodied his name seems appropriate. Thank you for indulging me.

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Come what May

Come what May

My older brother is a genius. I always wanted to be just like him.

I write left-handed because I mimicked him from across the table when we played together. He was good at everything – juggling, drawing, sports, playing musical instruments, and academics. Minus the academics (and that came
later), I am good at none of these things.

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Stroke of Genius

Stroke of Genius

My older brother is a genius. I always wanted to be just like him.

I write left-handed because I mimicked him from across the table when we played together. He was good at everything – juggling, drawing, sports, playing musical instruments, and academics. Minus the academics (and that came
later), I am good at none of these things.

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