
Full of Pride.

Written by Donna Star

June 9, 2021

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Full of PRIDE
A love letter to my children

On this first day of PRIDE, I want to acknowledge and thank all the allies who help make this world a better place.

There is so much more overt hatred than I can ever recall in my lifetime.
It takes so much more effort to hate than to love; to take away than to give; to support vs. remove; to spew hatred vs. spread kindness. Hate is a pandemic with no vaccine – a Covid without a cure.

But I have hope.

I have hope because I have two beautiful children (one who is an ally and one who is gay) who show up daily with love and kindness in their hearts. They firmly support family and friends and support causes they care deeply about. Not just rhetoric here – they are vegans, and both love animals almost more than humans. My son passed a bill to support Animal Rights in Massachusetts High School ( Logan’s Law – HB344). Both of my children are committed to environmental sustainability and so much more. Are they perfect? No. Have they committed to be the change we need to see in the world? Yes.

And, on this first day of PRIDE, I want to call out my son specifically. During Covid, he quit his job to start an LGBTQ clothing brand, Bubuleh, that honors who he is and our Jewish heritage and culture. He has attacked this start-up with such intense passion – handwriting notes to buyers, painstakingly and lovingly packing every order, obsessing over the quality details of each new piece, learning and growing every day, and I am enormously proud of him. His tagline is perfection – made with love and just a little anxiety 😁.

He has been lucky to grow up in a very accepting family and community. Many are not so fortunate. Still, I know it has not always been easy for him.

But I have hope.

I have hope that children like mine ignite others around them to love, to raise their voices, to support causes that matter, and to fill the cavern of hatred with the capacity to love.

Thank you for reading.


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