by Donna Star | Feb 19, 2023 | Blog
Two Words. You think you are swimming along just fine, and then you decide, or the decision is made for you, to change direction. Uh oh… You have to jam on the brakes (hopefully safely) and make a rapid turn. Well, I was cooking along with my book, which is due to my...
by Donna Star | Jan 30, 2023 | Blog
Once upon a time in the land of regret… I didn’t feel comfortable sharing that I hit a milestone. Because I am unsure of the outcome. I submitted my first book manuscript several weeks ago📕📕! (Thank you for the support!) Even though I want to be proud of this...
by Donna Star | Jan 26, 2023 | Blog
Have you ever received a nasty text or email? Have you ever NOT responded to said snarky email or text? Well, I decided to do that for a change. Generally, I am or was the type that felt compelled to respond to an angry message immediately. I do not back down from a...
by Donna Star | Jan 24, 2023 | Blog
Hydrated January? I am glad dry January is almost over 🍷. I didn’t partake in dry January, but I am still glad it is over. We put way too much pressure on ourselves to make January THE month. The month we decide to do everything we have put off – working out, losing...
by Donna Star | Jan 10, 2023 | Blog
Prepare for an Emergency Landing. Thanks to those airplane safety demonstrations that we have all (not) heard a million times, we know to put our oxygen masks on first. It is so clear in cases like this that you must put your needs first to help everyone else. But in...
by Donna Star | Dec 3, 2022 | Blog
Hero Worship It sure is a thing. I recently saw Black Panther/Wakanda Forever and seeing how they dealt with the death of their hero, Chad Boseman, was beautiful, IMHO. But what happens in real life when heroes die or change before our eyes? We all have heroes – we...